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Penang police warn against provocation in azan issue

Penang police chief Khaw Kok Chin says the issue has already been resolved.

2 minute read
The police have warned parties against sensationalising or speculating on the issue or matters involving religious sensitivities.
The police have warned parties against sensationalising or speculating on the issue or matters involving religious sensitivities.

Penang police will take strict action against anyone who continues to spread provocation regarding the issue of the azan or Islamic call to prayer using loudspeakers at a condominium in Tanjong Tokong, as the issue has already been resolved.

Penang police chief Khaw Kok Chin said police also warned parties against sensationalising or speculating on the issue or matters involving religious sensitivities.

"There is no longer any conflict between the surau and the joint management body (JMB) of the condominium in relation to the case. In fact, Deputy Chief Minister I Zakiyuddin Abdul Rahman who is also president of the Penang State Islamic Religious Council himself went to the ground to mediate and resolve the confusion that arose related to the issue yesterday," he said.

He added that the issues raised through social media platforms such as TikTok were untrue and could cause public annoyance and trigger racial issues.

"As the Penang chief of police, I would like to emphasise that we will not hesitate to take action against any party that tries to make matters viral on any social media platform to instigate, provoke anger and cause racial issues or public annoyance with regard to this case," he said.

Khaw said Penang police had received 21 police reports from various parties regarding the case to date, and investigations were conducted by Bukit Aman.

"We received 21 police reports and the investigations were carried out thoroughly, I urge all parties, especially the community in Penang, to continue living in peace because the issue has been resolved harmoniously," he said.

Earlier, a video regarding a dialogue session between the JMB of a condominium in Tanjung Tokong and residents over current issues including the prayer call at the residence went viral on social media.

However, the JMB has since publicly apologised to Muslim residents and Muslims at large regarding the issue.

Tri Pinnacle Condominium JMB chairman Alex Low reportedly said that his management had no intention of banning the public prayer call at the surau as had been claimed on social media and that the issue had been resolved through discussions between the JMB and the surau committee along with the northeast district Islamic religious department.

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