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DAP critic Ridhuan Tee axed from RTM's Islamic forum

The move is bound to put the spotlight on communications minister Fahmi Fadzil who is in charge of the government broadcaster.

Staff Writers
2 minute read
Muslim preacher Ridhuan Tee Abdullah. Photo: Facebook
Muslim preacher Ridhuan Tee Abdullah. Photo: Facebook

A Muslim preacher known for his criticism of DAP politicians has been barred from appearing on a popular Islamic talk show by public broadcaster RTM, in a move set to raise questions on the new government's commitment to free speech.

Ridhuan Tee Abdullah said an invitation to appear as a guest panellist on Forum Perdana Ehwal Islam tomorrow was revoked "on the instruction of the minister".

"I think this is an immature move. Those who fight for freedom of speech suddenly are the ones who take action to block people from speaking," he told online news channel TV Pertiwi.

It also quoted Ridhuan as saying that the move to bar him from a forum that had featured him for so long showed that the new government "was afraid of its own shadow".

"Listen first to what we have to say. We have barely started talking, but we're already gagged. Strangely, these are the same people who used to fight for freedom of speech and all kinds of other freedoms," he said.

Ridhuan is known for his staunch criticism of DAP and has in the past used the "ultra kiasu" label on the party's leaders.

The latest development is bound to increase criticism against Communications and Digital Minister Fahmi Fadzil, who has come under the spotlight since he was appointed to the portfolio which also has jurisdiction over RTM and other government communication agencies.

Fahmi has drawn fire for a series of statements threatening the critics of the coalition government headed by Anwar Ibrahim.

Less than a week after he began his duties, he began questioning social media platforms for hosting "provocative" and "extremist" content, raising questions from critics who said that the new minister was confused about the real scope of his job.