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Hadi blasts 'Islamophobic' DAP over post-GE15 narrative to stop PAS

The PAS president accuses DAP of being a party without morals.

Staff Writers
2 minute read
PAS president Abdul Hadi Awang.
PAS president Abdul Hadi Awang.

PAS president Abdul Hadi Awang has launched a scathing attack on DAP, saying the Pakatan Harapan (PH) partner has been promoting an Islamophobic narrative in its efforts to prevent PAS from being in a position of power following its major gains at the polls.

Hadi, in a strongly worded statement, described DAP as a party without morals, adding that it had "shown its fangs blatantly and greedily".

"The most hostile views against Islam spread in the West by the orientalists and Western media have been imported to Malaysia by DAP, so that false information is spread against PAS," he said.

The recent election saw PAS winning 49 federal seats, its biggest gain in a general election. This was followed by DAP which won 40 seats, making it the biggest partner in PH.

Hadi's statement came four days after a political stalemate ended with the Yang di-Pertuan Agong naming Anwar Ibrahim as prime minister.

Political leaders said that the Agong had urged all parties to form a "unity government", although this was not mentioned in the palace's official statement naming Anwar as the 10th prime minister.

Hadi's ally Muhyiddin Yassin, who heads Perikatan Nasional, had rejected the palace proposal, and said he did not understand why 115 statutory declarations in support of him were ignored despite being submitted before the end of a 24-hour deadline.

Hadi in his statement today said DAP never learnt any lesson from its previous alliance with PAS in Pakatan Rakyat, where he said leaders from both parties had held dialogues to clear confusion on Islam.

He said among DAP's narratives was to paint anyone who spoke in defence of Malays and Muslims as "racists".

"This strategy is promoted with DAP as its mastermind. 

"Non-Muslim rights spelt out in the Federal Constitution are considered insufficient and oppressive. It's like give them an inch, they'll take a mile. 

"In fact, the constitutional right to language and culture has been considered insufficient. DAP continues to be extreme towards the culture of Muslims which it wants to subtly and systematically destroy," Hadi added.

Hadi also said DAP's use of Malay Muslims as spokesmen would fail.

"Such is a rotting carcass, that it cannot be covered by DAP's hands wallowing with excrement, even if they masquerade as Malays whom they have purified with ablution."