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Three Omicron cases detected in Negeri Sembilan

The travellers were either asymptomatic or had mild symptoms, and were told to quarantine at home.

1 minute read
Three travellers returning to Negeri Sembilan from abroad through KLIA have tested positive for the Omicron variant.
Three travellers returning to Negeri Sembilan from abroad through KLIA have tested positive for the Omicron variant.

Three cases of the Omicron Covid-19 variant had been detected in Negeri Sembilan as of yesterday in travellers returning from abroad.

State health, environment, cooperatives and consumerism action committee chairman S Veerapan said the first case involved a 28-year-old woman who arrived from Ireland through KLIA on Dec 15.

The woman, who was asymptomatic and fully vaccinated, was screened at the KLIA entrance and required to wear a digital detector surveillance bracelet and to self-isolate at her home in Seremban.

Veerapan told Bernama that the second case involved a 28-year-old woman who arrived from the UK through KLIA on Dec 1.

The second woman, who had also completed her Covid-19 vaccination, had mild symptoms and was screened at KLIA.

The third case, a 29-year-old woman, tested positive during screening at KLIA on Dec 16 upon her return from the UK.

Veerapan said the woman, who was likewise fully vaccinated, had mild symptoms and was instructed to undergo home quarantine at her house in Port Dickson.

He assured that the situation was under control and advised the public to comply with the SOPs.

He also urged those who have yet to receive a booster shot to do so as soon as possible.

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