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Melaka fireman dies after losing consciousness during flood operation

Mohd Diya Che Jusoh had been securing a line to help evacuate residents when he lost consciousness and fell into the water.

1 minute read
Melaka fireman Mohd Diya Che Jusoh.
Melaka fireman Mohd Diya Che Jusoh.

A firefighter from the Melaka Tengah Fire and Rescue Department who lost consciousness during a flood rescue operation at Kampung Sungai Putat, Ayer Keroh, died early today.

Melaka Fire and Rescue Department director Asst Comm Abu Bakar Katain said Mohd Diya Che Jusoh, 46, breathed his last at 3.11am at the Emergency and Trauma Department of the Melaka Hospital.

“His remains will be buried at the Masjid An-Nur Cemetery, Krubong, at 10am today.

“The staff of the Melaka Fire and Rescue Department convey their condolences and are saddened by the incident,” he said in a statement today.

In the incident which occurred at about 5.30pm yesterday, Diya was believed to have been securing a line in a flood area to help evacuate Kampung Sungai Putat residents from their homes when he suddenly lost consciousness and fell into the swift, chest-high flood waters.

Other firefighters who witnessed the incident took about 10 minutes to rescue him and get him to safety.

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