Mak Wan, the ex-drug addict helping the homeless in KL
Mak Wan knows what it is like to live on the streets and even to spend time behind bars.
Umno's 'politics of charity', still relevant after election defeat?
While some have called for an end to the practice of giving handouts in return for support, the culture may live on, say analysts.
RoS has enough teeth to regulate NGOs, says lawyer
Haniff Khatri Abdulla says some NGOs stray from their objectives because of political leaders who look for ways to exploit such groups.
NGO boom, for charity or profit?
While many are genuinely invested in helping the needy, others are seen as looking to make an easy buck.
Mother Teresa charity in India gets back access to foreign funds
Foreign funding had been cut off on Christmas Day, with the Narendra Modi government refusing to renew the charity's licence under the Foreign Contribution Regulation Act.
India restricts foreign funding for Mother Teresa charity
The Missionaries of Charity runs shelter homes across India.
Singapore woman leaves over S$1 million to Africa’s poor children
She had started thinking about helping African communities after reading about Nelson Mandela.
Ex-Goldman president giving to charity to resolve bank impasse over 1MDB
A Bloomberg report says Gary Cohn is giving to charities that work in pandemic relief and social justice.