Top civil service union slams minister's behaviour at KLIA
The Congress of Unions of Employees in the Public and Civil Services says it 'violates security procedures that have been set'.
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The country's largest civil service union has called for an investigation into reports that a federal minister had barged into the arrival hall at the Kuala Lumpur International Airport (KLIA) to come to the defence of a foreign traveller facing problems with immigration officers.
Cuepacs, or the Congress of Unions of Employees in the Public and Civil Services, said the action was not only an interference with protocols on the country's security but also an affront to civil servants in executing their duties.
"The intrusion is inappropriate as it clearly violates security procedures or SOPs that have been set.
"If there was a misunderstanding in the process of detaining the tourist involved, the minister could provide assistance according to the procedure or get details from the airport authorities first," Cuepacs president Adnan Mat said, in response to the incident that has set tongues wagging on the identity of the minister.
This comes as Transport Minister Anthony Loke said he has not received any report on the incident reported by news outlet BebasNews.
"I believe the airport authorities will conduct a detailed investigation into what happened," he said.
BebasNews, who did not name the minister, said he had breached the arrival hall at KLIA upon knowing that a female Chinese national was barred from entering the country.
"When obstructed, he used his ministerial powers and berated the KLIA auxiliary police and immigration officers for wanting to rescue the Chinese female citizen who was detained upon arrival in the country yesterday," said the report, which was accompanied by blurred photographs of the minister and foreigner during the incident.
The report further said it was the third such interference by the minister at the airport.
Cuepacs has urged for an investigation to ensure such incidents would not recur.
"No individual is above the law of the land, and if there is a violation of laws in this regard, strict action should be taken by the government to uphold the rule of law.
"Cuepacs is against the disruption of civil servants executing their duties to protect the sovereignty of the country just to suit the personal interests of certain parties," it added.
The Department of Immigration meanwhile said it was conducting a comprehensive investigation into the incident.
"Therefore, we urge the public to give us room to conduct the investigation transparently and to refrain from making any speculation or provocation that may disrupt the probe," it said in a statement.
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