Rahmah haj packages top choice for 35% of pilgrims
The choice is attributed to price difference between the Rahmah haj packages and the haj fee for muassasah pilgrims.
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35% of the 8,500 pilgrims who use the haj package services offered by haj pilgrimage operators (PJH) opted for Rahmah haj packages priced at RM50,000 and below.
PJH operations director Mohd Zawawi Bostam said the slight price difference between the Rahmah haj packages and the haj fee for muassasah pilgrims was one of the factors that led them to choose the package.
According to him, this also contributed to a 20% increase in the number of PJH pilgrims for this year’s haj season, compared to previous years.
Speaking to reporters in Mecca, he said pilgrims who choose the Rahmah haj package will enjoy facilities such as a three-star hotel or higher and accommodation closer to the mosque.
In addition, he said about 2% of PJH pilgrims choose packages priced between RM100,000 and RM250,000.
Mohd Zawawi said that for this year, Lembaga Tabung Haji had issued licences to 22 travel agencies to operate as PJHs, offering a total of 250 haj packages.
In the meantime, he said the PJH operations office will monitor all the travel agencies involved to ensure that they provide the promised services to pilgrims.
“If an operator fails to comply with the stipulated terms and conditions, the company may receive a verbal warning, be fined, and have its licence suspended or revoked,” he said.
Malaysia received a haj quota of 31,600 pilgrims for the 1444 Hijrah haj season from the Saudi Arabian government.
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