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India launches rocket to land spacecraft on moon's south pole

The Chandrayaan-3 mission is designed to deploy a lander and rover near the moon's south pole around Aug 23.

1 minute read
Godrej & Boyce employees work on components for ISRO to support India's space exploration programs at Godrej Aerospace plant in Mumbai, India, July 10. Photo: Reuters
Godrej & Boyce employees work on components for ISRO to support India's space exploration programs at Godrej Aerospace plant in Mumbai, India, July 10. Photo: Reuters

India's space agency launched a rocket on Friday that will attempt to land a spacecraft at the lunar south pole, an unprecedented feat that would advance India's position as a major space power.

Television footage showed the Indian Space Research Organisation's (ISRO) LVM3 launch rocket blast off from the country's main spaceport in the southern state of Andhra Pradesh, leaving behind a plume of smoke and fire.

The Chandrayaan-3 mission is designed to deploy a lander and rover near the moon's south pole around Aug 23.

Only three other space agencies - the US, the former Soviet Union and China - have touched down a lander on the moon's surface. None have landed near the lunar south pole.

The third Chandrayaan, which means "moon vehicle" in Sanskrit, includes a 2m tall lander designed to deploy a rover near the lunar south pole, where it is expected to remain functional for two weeks running a series of experiments.

ISRO's Chandrayaan-2 mission in 2020 successfully deployed an orbiter but its lander and rover were destroyed in a crash near where the Chandrayan-3 will attempt a touchdown.

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