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Global Covid-19 cases top 100 million

The official number of cases registered since the pandemic first broke out in China represents just a fraction of the real number of infections around the world.

1 minute read
A total of 100,010,798 infections has been reported, according to one estimate by AFP compiled from figures provided by national health agencies. Photo: AP
A total of 100,010,798 infections has been reported, according to one estimate by AFP compiled from figures provided by national health agencies. Photo: AP

The number of confirmed coronavirus cases around the world on Tuesday passed 100 million since the start of the pandemic, according to an AFP tally.

As of 2130 GMT, a total of 100,010,798 infections had been reported, according to AFP’s count, compiled from figures provided by national health agencies.

Worldwide, at least 2,151,242 people have lost their lives to Covid-19.

The vast majority of people infected with the virus recover, but some patients suffer from symptoms for weeks or even months.

The official number of cases registered since the pandemic first broke out in China, in late 2019, represents just a fraction of the real number of infections around the world.

Many countries were late to implement systematic testing, and some continue to test only the most seriously ill.

The poorest nations meanwhile only have the capacity for limited testing.

The US, which passed 25 million confirmed cases last weekend, remains the country with the largest outbreak.

India is second with 10.7 million cases, and Brazil third with 8.9 million cases.

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