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US logs more than 3,900 Covid-19 deaths in new daily record

3,927 people died of the coronavirus while 189,671 new cases were recorded.

1 minute read
Paramedics examine a potential Covid-19 patient by the side of the road before transporting him to a hospital in Hawthorne, California, Dec 29. Photo: AFP
Paramedics examine a potential Covid-19 patient by the side of the road before transporting him to a hospital in Hawthorne, California, Dec 29. Photo: AFP

More than 3,900 people died of Covid-19 in the US Wednesday, according to a count released by Johns Hopkins University, a new daily record for fatalities from the virus.

The Baltimore-based university said 3,927 people had died of the coronavirus in the 24 hours before 8.30pm (0130 GMT Thursday) in the US, the worst-hit country in the world, while 189,671 new cases had been recorded.

That brought the US total to 19,715,899 infections and 341,845 deaths since the pandemic began.

The country’s leading infectious diseases expert, Anthony Fauci, warned Sunday that the worst of the pandemic was likely yet to come, with the death toll rising at an alarming rate in the winter months and after major holiday gatherings.

The country has begun a mass campaign of vaccinations and 2.8 million people have already received jabs, but that is well behind the 20 million inoculations the administration of President Donald Trump has promised by the end of the year.

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