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Gmail, YouTube down as Google suffers massive outage

The problem has affected several other Google services as well.

Staff Writers
1 minute read
Google Search is among services affected by the outage. Photo: Pexels
Google Search is among services affected by the outage. Photo: Pexels

Malaysia is among countries affected by a massive outage of Google which has left millions of users worldwide unable to access Gmail and other services provided by the tech giant.

Downdetector, which tracks realtime outages involving all internet services, said the problem has affected Gmail, YouTube, Google Search, Google Drive, Google Hangouts and Google Meet.

Google had yet to issue a statement at press time.

UK-based The Guardian said the outage appears related to authentication tools, which manage how users log in to Google services.

It said the problem had also disrupted Google Suite, one of several services used by those working from home.

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