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India overtakes Brazil in Covid-19 cases

The total number of Covid-19 cases in India has reached 4.2 million with 90,802 fresh infections, surpassing Brazil which has a total of 4,137,521 confirmed cases.

Staff Writers
1 minute read
France has recorded more than 30,000 deaths since the pandemic began, the seventh highest total worldwide. Photo: Pexels
France has recorded more than 30,000 deaths since the pandemic began, the seventh highest total worldwide. Photo: Pexels

India has surpassed Brazil in terms of number of confirmed coronavirus cases, becoming the second-most affected country in the world, Anadolu Agency reports.

Health ministry figures released early today show that the total number of Covid-19 cases has reached 4.2 million with 90,802 fresh infections, surpassing Brazil which has a total of 4,137,521 confirmed cases.

This marks the second consecutive day in which India has recorded more than 90,000 cases.

The death toll in India has reached 71,642, including 1,016 fatalities in the last 24 hours.

While India is seeing a record number of Covid-19 cases, the health ministry maintains that there has been a surge in daily recoveries.

On Sunday, the country recorded more than 70,000 recoveries for the second straight day, taking the total number of recoveries to nearly 3.2 million.

Local experts say that by the end of September, India may even surpass the US – the worst-affected country worldwide – in the severity of cases.

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