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Govt only involved in Raya events for 3 states, says PM's department

The states involved are Kedah, Kelantan and Terengganu.

2 minute read
The Putra Perdana building in Putrajaya which houses the Prime Minister's Office.
The Putra Perdana building in Putrajaya which houses the Prime Minister's Office.

The federal government is only involved in organising the 2023 Malaysia Madani open house with the prime minister in three states, namely Kedah, Kelantan and Terengganu, says the Prime Minister's Department (PMD).

In a statement today, the PMD said the open houses in Penang, Negeri Sembilan and Selangor were being organised by the respective state governments.

"In line with the Malaysia Madani concept, the organisation (of the open houses) this time is with the strategic cooperation of the respective state governments as well as the ministries appointed to help implement the events," it said.

PMD said the Malaysia Madani open house programme gave the prime minister and members of his Cabinet the space and opportunity to entertain those who had never previously had the chance to celebrate Aidilfitri with national leaders at the event which was usually only held at the Prime Minister’s official residence in Putrajaya.

It added that a total of 55,000 visitors were expected to attend the open houses organised by the federal government in Kedah, Kelantan and Terengganu.

"The event is of national status only in Kedah, with 25,000 visitors (expected), while the target is 15,000 visitors each in Kelantan and Terengganu," it said.

According to the PMD, the events organised in Seri Perdana previously would cater to up to 100,000 visitors.

It said the organisation of the open houses this time would see spending done more effectively, besides the sharing of resources, manpower and skills through strategic cooperation between the federal and state governments.

"This joint organising method is also believed to be able to strengthen the relationship between the federal and state governments," added the PMD.

The public is invited to attend the Malaysia Madani open house with the prime minister which kicks off in Kedah tomorrow (April 29, Saturday), at the Raia Hotel, from 10am to 2pm.

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