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AirAsia flight diverted after snake spotted onboard

AirAsia says it was a very rare incident that could happen on any aircraft.

1 minute read
A picture of a snake in an overhead light on an AirAsia flight which has been making the rounds on social media.
A picture of a snake in an overhead light on an AirAsia flight which has been making the rounds on social media.

An AirAsia flight en route to Tawau from Kuala Lumpur on Feb 10 was diverted to Kuching after a snake was spotted onboard.

A video showing the reptile moving inside the overhead light panel on the plane has since gone viral on social media.

AirAsia chief safety officer Liong Tien Ling, in a statement today, confirmed the matter, describing it as a very rare incident that could occur on any aircraft.

“As soon as the captain was aware, he made the decision to divert the aircraft to Kuching as a precautionary measure to fumigate the aircraft,” he said, adding that the pilot had taken appropriate action.

Liong said the flight would depart for Tawau as soon as possible.

“The safety and well-being of our guests and crew are always our top priority. At no time was the safety of guests or crew at any risk,” he said.

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