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Sporadic Covid-19 cases on the rise in Sabah

This has sparked concerns as the state prepares to transition to Phase Three of the National Recovery Plan on Monday.

1 minute read
Nearly 39% of the 639 Covid-19 cases reported in Sabah yesterday were sporadic infections. Photo: Bernama
Nearly 39% of the 639 Covid-19 cases reported in Sabah yesterday were sporadic infections. Photo: Bernama

The percentage of sporadic Covid-19 cases in Sabah is rising, accounting for almost 39% of the total 639 cases recorded yesterday, says Sabah Local Government and Housing Minister Masidi Manjun.

The state Covid-19 spokesman said there are concerns that the risk of sporadic infections will rise as the state transitions to Phase Three of the National Recovery Plan (NRP) on Monday, allowing more social and economic activities to resume.

“Sporadic cases usually happen due to non-compliance with SOPs when interacting or in public.

“We hope that the public will be more responsible in complying with all of the SOPs to stop the spread of the Covid-19 virus,” he said in a statement last night.

He said every individual would now be viewed as frontliners in efforts to curb the spread of Covid-19 as the district borders reopen and the state transitions to the next phase of the NRP.

Meanwhile, Masidi said the total number of new cases yesterday declined by 81 from 720 cases yesterday.

Of the 638 new cases, 350 or 55% were cases that occurred within the last 24 hours, while the rest were recorded at least two days after screening results were obtained.

“The effectiveness of vaccinations can be seen in the patient categories reported daily. Those who have completed their vaccinations have higher immunity and even if infected, are only at Category One or Two,” he added.

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