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40.8% of population, 56.9% of adults double-jabbed

A total of 31,792,363 vaccine shots have been given so far.

1 minute read
An Orang Asli community leader waits to receive a shot of Covid-19 at the Bera vaccination centre in Pahang. Photo: Bernama
An Orang Asli community leader waits to receive a shot of Covid-19 at the Bera vaccination centre in Pahang. Photo: Bernama

Some 40.8% of the country’s population or 13,315,774 people had completed both doses of Covid-19 vaccine as of yesterday, according to the Covid-19 Vaccine Supply Access Guarantee Special Committee.

Meanwhile 18,476,589 individuals had received a first dose, bringing the total number of doses administered under the National Covid-19 Immunisation Programme as of yesterday to 31,792,363.

Some 56.9% of adults in the country have completed both doses of vaccine.

In terms of daily vaccination rate, 396,576 doses were administered yesterday, of which 246,109 were second doses.

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