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Daily vaccine jabs top 400,000 for second day running

More than 12 million shots of Covid-19 vaccine have been administered so far.

1 minute read
A nurse gives a shot of Covid-19 vaccine to a bedridden person under the Sabak Bernam vaccination outreach programme in Sungai Besar, Kuala Selangor.
A nurse gives a shot of Covid-19 vaccine to a bedridden person under the Sabak Bernam vaccination outreach programme in Sungai Besar, Kuala Selangor.

The number of Covid-19 vaccine doses administered in the country has exceeded 400,000 for two consecutive days with 424,541 doses given yesterday.

On Monday, 421,479 doses were dispensed nationwide.

In a Twitter post, Health Minister Dr Adham Baba said of the total doses given yesterday, 260,286 were first doses while 164,255 were second doses.

He said Sarawak recorded the highest number of second doses administered with 52,551 followed by Selangor (25,696), Kuala Lumpur (23,707), Sabah (9,864), Penang (7,195) and Pahang (7,038).

A total of 12,212,730 vaccine shots have been administered across the country since the National Covid-19 Immunisation Programme was implemented on Feb 24.

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