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Daily vaccine jabs shoot past 200,000 target

160,226 people received a first dose of vaccine yesterday while 55,650 others received a second dose.

1 minute read
Nurses take a headcount of people waiting to receive a dose of Covid-19 vaccine at the Dewan Majlis Daerah Hulu Terengganu vaccination centre in Terengganu. Photo: Bernama
Nurses take a headcount of people waiting to receive a dose of Covid-19 vaccine at the Dewan Majlis Daerah Hulu Terengganu vaccination centre in Terengganu. Photo: Bernama

A total of 215,876 doses of Covid-19 vaccine were administered yesterday, surpassing the daily target of 200,000 set by the government under the the National Covid-19 Immunisation Programme.

Health Minister Dr Adham Baba said in a Twitter post that 160,226 individuals had received a first dose of vaccine and 55,650 others, a second dose.

He said a total of 1,468,689 individuals had completed both doses of vaccine and 3,435,420 individuals had received a first dose, bringing the number of doses administered in Malaysia so far to 4,904,109.

The five states with the highest number of two-dose vaccinations are Selangor with 187,443 followed by Sarawak (168,471), Johor (142,868), Perak (139,612) and Kuala Lumpur (131,882).

Meanwhile, 13,837,410 registrations for vaccination were recorded yesterday, with Selangor having the highest number at 3,513,960, followed by Johor (1,727,211), Sarawak (1,323,339) and Kuala Lumpur (1,168,192).

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