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Sarawak govt officials to take 2-month salary cut

The money will go to the state disaster relief fund for Covid-19.

Staff Writers
1 minute read
Sarawak government officials have agreed to contribute 5% to 30% of their salaries to the state disaster relief fund for the next two months.
Sarawak government officials have agreed to contribute 5% to 30% of their salaries to the state disaster relief fund for the next two months.

Sarawak Chief Minister Abang Johari Openg today announced that state government officials from the ruling Gabungan Parti Sarawak (GPS) will take a salary cut for the next two months to contribute some RM3 million in a show of solidarity with the people.

“Members of the state government council including our state assemblymen and political secretaries have decided to contribute 5% to 30% of our salaries to show the commitment of GPS state leaders in light of this crisis,” he said, adding that 30% of his own salary would be channelled to the state disaster relief fund.

“GPS will consider extending this monthly contribution to the Sarawak Disaster Relief Fund if this pandemic continues,” he said in a statement.

Abang Johari also said that 7,000 civil servants excluding frontliners would contribute certain amounts from their allowance for two months.

“There will be a 50% cut for Grade A state civil servants, followed by Grade B (25%), Grade C (10%), Grades 43 to 56 (5%), and a RM10 cut for civil servant below Grade 43.

“The total cuts from this fixed allowance will contribute RM300,000 to the Covid-19 relief fund,” he said.


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