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Record 673 compounds issued over RMCO

Minister Ismail Sabri Yaakob says there is an increasing defiance of the RMCO.

1 minute read
At least 183 police officers in the US have died while on duty so far in 2020. Photo: Pexels
At least 183 police officers in the US have died while on duty so far in 2020. Photo: Pexels

Police issued 673 compounds to violators of the recovery movement control order (RMCO) yesterday, the biggest spike since the order was implemented on June 10.

Senior Minister for Security Ismail Sabri Yaakob said the highest number of compounds were issued in relation to night club activities (600), followed by physical distancing (127) and failure to record customer details (14).

“This shows that the increasing defiance of the RMCO could be due to the people thinking that there is no need to adhere to SOPs,” he said in a press conference today.

Another 98 people were remanded and seven released on bail, bringing the overall number of people arrested yesterday to 778.

Police also conducted 63 roadblocks and detained a foreigner for an immigration offence.

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