On Gaza and the vested interests and failures of Arab-Muslim countries
The fundamental issue is the continuous supply of weapons by the industrial military complex in the US and the West which Arabs leaders are dependent on.
Why asking DAP to abandon its ideology makes no sense
The issue is not the necessity for DAP to abandon its ideology, but the imperative for parties like Umno, PAS, and DAP to find common ground on what constitutes good governance that does away with rigid and narrow ideologies.
Don’t waste time on elitist debates
While debates are part and parcel of a democratic system, one has to assess how a particular debate resonates with the overall political, social and economic system.
The danger of hypocrisy in Western views on Ukraine
The core of the principle that needs to be adhered to is to oppose the seeds of war in whatever form they take.
Alcohol and gaming more complex than PAS makes out
Buying lottery tickets does not mean a person has a gambling problem, and moderate drinking does not make one addicted.
Feudal terms that are out of sync with modern democracy
It would be wise to look at the issue of emergency ordinances from an overall perspective of the constitution and the common good, rather than using terms like 'derhaka'.
Bottom-up understanding of justice needed to protect national sovereignty
While it is true that certain opinion makers have exaggerated opinions, it is equally important to see justice from the perspective of ordinary people on the ground.
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